We take care of our seniors

Home Care Support Group

What is this?

Volunteers meet in their municipality from time to time to discuss and coordinate the needs of seniors, and to plan and organize activities.

Volunteers make friendly calls and visits, help with mail and errands. Some groups organize community meals, offer greeting cards and special little treats to make a positive impact and presence in the lives of our seniors.

Who is this for?

  • People who have a little time to give
  • People who like to work with seniors
  • People who like to work as part of a team

Hello, how are you? -  Friendly calls

What is this?

This service consists of calling an elderly person regularly, based on a predetermined schedule. The call is to make contact with the senior, make sure they are well, help alleviate loneliness and remind them that life still has beautiful moments to offer.

This service is offered free of charge and subject to the availability of volunteers.

Who is this for?

  • People aged 65 and over*
  • Personne en perte d’autonomie;
  • Personne vivant difficilement l’isolement et la solitude;
  • Personne ayant peu de contacts avec l’extérieur, peu de visites;
  • Personne ayant peu d’occasions de sortir à cause d’une mobilité réduite

    *The age eligibility may vary in some municipalities at the discretion of local volunteers

Community Meals

What is this?

Community meals, served in a friendly atmosphere, allow you to share a good meal in good company. It’s always nice to be able to get together!

There is usually a cost for the meal. The cost and frequency vary by municipality.

Who is this for?

  • *People aged 65 and over*
  • The age eligibility may vary in some municipalities at the discretion of local volunteers

Caregiver Support Group

What is this?

We know that being a caregiver is not always easy. This is why we have set up support groups.
The members of the group benefit from this privileged time to discuss, laugh, cry and vent their emotions with other people who are also going through similar situations.

If you are a caregiver and want to join a group, contact us!

Being a caregiver means:

  • Supporting elderly parents or a spouse
  • You live with an elderly parent or a spouse in your care
  • You regularly visit an elderly relative
  • You bring them comfort, warmth, technical and other support (errands, listening, phone calls, accompaniment, etc)
  • You care about their well-being, however, you may…

- Feel guilty for not being able to do more
- Feel alone with this responsibility
- No longer have time for your social life
- Feel tired-tired or angry

Virtual Coffee Meeting

What is this?

“Virtual Meetup Cafés” allow you to interact with others from the comfort of your home via the Internet. A whole community is being created. Different themes are discussed.

Would you like to participate but not sure how to proceed? Contact us, we can help you!

Prerequisites: Must have Internet access and computer equipment or smart phone/mobile device (with Internet access).

Who is this for?

  • People who are interested in getting to know other people and discussing different topics
  • People with Internet access

This is a personalized automated call service that reaches out to seniors on a daily basis to ensure that their health is good or to remind them that it is time to take their medication. Subscribers receive these calls at predetermined times, one or more times a day.

No contract.

Information:  call 819-560-8540 or

Do you have a question or a comment? Write us! 

The CABHSF is…

Kilometers traveled
Active volunteers
Meals on Wheels: meals delivered
Contacts and references
Tax assistance services

...and hundreds of small daily gestures that make a difference!


Thank you so much!

I want to thank you (the CAB) for throwing a Christmas party for us. I am a caregiver to my husband who suffers from Alzheimer’s. I was able to have a good time with him and play bingo. It changes our minds and makes us experience something other than the disease.


My little happiness of the week!

Thanks for coming to see me. It feels so good to talk and have a good coffee with someone. This is my little happiness of the week!


A good meal and great activities!

I live alone. When the volunteers from the volunteer group invite us for a good meal and nice activities (like musicians) it gives me joy in my heart. THANKS!
