Physical Fitness Activity


What is this?

Adapted physical activity program including cardiovascular, muscle and flexibility exercise routines as well as walking or outdoor activities and active games.

The activities offered are generally free or at very low cost and are offered thanks to the involvement of trained volunteer leaders.

The program is offered in several municipalities in the Haut-Saint-François.

Contact us for more information

Who is it for?

People aged 50 and over

Stand-Up: Fall prevention

(Integrated dynamic balance program)

What is this?

Adapted physical activity program delivered by a health professional (Physical rehabilitation tech). We offer the Stand-Up program, an Integrated Dynamic Balance Program. In the fall, two different municipalities benefit from the Stand-Up program offered to people aged 65 and over.

Group exercise sessions are performed twice a week for 12 weeks. A unique chance to experience this program!

This service is offered free of charge

Note: Number of places are limited

Who is it for?

  • People aged 65 and over
  • Concerned about your balance?
  • Are you afraid of falling? Have you ever had a fall?
  • If you answered YES to any of these questions, the Stand-Up program can help.

Do you have a question or a comment? Write us! 

The CABHSF is…

Kilometers traveled
Active volunteers
Meals on Wheels: meals delivered
Contacts and references
Tax assistance services

...and hundreds of small daily gestures that make a difference!


My little happiness of the week!

Thanks for coming to see me. It feels so good to talk and have a good coffee with someone. This is my little happiness of the week!


A good meal and great activities!

I live alone. When the volunteers from the volunteer group invite us for a good meal and nice activities (like musicians) it gives me joy in my heart. THANKS!


Thank you so much!

I want to thank you (the CAB) for throwing a Christmas party for us. I am a caregiver to my husband who suffers from Alzheimer’s. I was able to have a good time with him and play bingo. It changes our minds and makes us experience something other than the disease.
