Community Life

Community Newsletters

What is this?

Volunteers give generously of their time to inform citizens of their municipalities about the life of the local community.

We are fortunate to be able to count on several of these newspapers in our community.

Who is this for?

  • Residents of the municipalities concerned
  • Non-residents by subscription

Community newspapers in the region

Many volunteers collaborate to share local activities, community vitality and other news and happenings from your municipality. It takes volunteers for the writing of articles, formatting, editing, etc.

Municipal Libraries

What are these?

  • Volunteers give generously of their time to promote the benefits of reading.
  • Volunteers receive and deliver books to hundreds of subscribers.
  • To read, is to discover a whole universe of knowledge and subjects.
  • Opening hours vary by municipality

Who is this for?

  • Residents of the municipalities concerned:
  • Weedon (and St-Gérard), St-Isidore de Clifton, Scotstown - Hampden

Library locations

Historical Society

What is this?

  • What better way to make the link with the past and those who came before us than through a historical society? It is the ideal place to learn about the history of your village and learn about your heritage.
  • These are volunteers who are passionate about history, for history buffs.

Who is this for?

  • Residents of the municipalities concerned: Ex: Weedon

Weedon Cultural Centre

What is this?

Volunteers give generously of their time to allow us to taste local, regional, provincial and international culture. Scheduled programming is available.

Who is this for?


Do you have a question or a comment? Write us!

The CABHSF is…

Kilometers traveled
Active volunteers
Meals on Wheels: meals delivered
Contacts and references
Tax assistance services

...and hundreds of small daily gestures that make a difference!


A good meal and great activities!

I live alone. When the volunteers from the volunteer group invite us for a good meal and nice activities (like musicians) it gives me joy in my heart. THANKS!


Thank you so much!

I want to thank you (the CAB) for throwing a Christmas party for us. I am a caregiver to my husband who suffers from Alzheimer’s. I was able to have a good time with him and play bingo. It changes our minds and makes us experience something other than the disease.


My little happiness of the week!

Thanks for coming to see me. It feels so good to talk and have a good coffee with someone. This is my little happiness of the week!
